09 September 2010

Painting Class Intro

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

As i am actual changing something again on my Painting Class presentations, i choose to show you the intro layer i use for the class. Nothing special but it is the first impression of 9 long presentations about colour, muse, theory, inspiration and stuff from my point of view :)

Ugh Ugh... thanks to Markus for the Gorilla photos from the Zoo in Hannover... i am really, really thankful of those wonderful photos!

Miniatures are getting packed for the painting class after i've already prepared everything else...

And into the darkness of the transport box - if you want to know what kind of selfbuild transport box i use check this article!


  1. Hi.

    What did you use to fix the miniature bases to the transport box bottom ?

  2. Well that is an mountfull of Patafix :)
    @jar: Very good picture of your Workshop presentation!
    So please change the Mini and come back to HH for the next workshop !

  3. @Webmax
    Please follow the link to the article - it is all described and explained there - you just got to read it :)

    Busy, busy, busy... HH will be a place to be again for sure and i promise with another class miniature :)
