09 August 2010

Way back home again...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

... Hidihoow! Back again from another painting class weekend...

Big thanks to my buddy Raffa for driving the car like a true god and bringing us both safe in every direction we had to go and in those directions we didn't want to go, but find our way through... There will be more soon about the Painting Class in Erfurt and the nice time we had there... soon, after i charge my batteries with big banana trees and dancing Hula girls ...

I am a bit overwhelmed by the nice words that did await me in my Emails when i am opened them this morning with my first thoughts and a cup of coffee. First of all this is for Nicolas from Australia as my answering Email did not reach you - i got back a mailer failure demon message... so here we go, my answer:

Hi Nicolas,

big thanks to you for your support you did throw into the Painting 
Jungle. Such moments, when i am coming home from a painting class and 
reading about your jungle donation make me really happy inside my 
heart. Be sure that the knowledge transfer will be going on because such 
moments...  Big Kong Thanks to you!

Keep on happy painting!

Big credits to Carl for this sentence:

"If there was an award to the most helpful person award, you'd get it!!!"

Joe, same to you! Thanks for your motivating words - we'll read us soon about your issue in the upcoming Painting Jam!

You guys know how to keep Kong motivated in his actions... some cool plans ahead for the jungle, but you know the jungle is massive and slow :)

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