25 August 2010

Gameforces No. 19

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Soon the next issue of the Gameforces Magazin will be available - don't miss yours, it will be available in spanish with an extra english inlay text for those who don't understand english, like i do - as far as i know you can get it over on the CMON shops or directly by becoming a subscriber on the Gameforces Homepage... here are some previews:



  1. I see your soul guardian is in it. Pretty sweet stuff!

  2. The Minotaurus was made by Picster, wasnt it? The Soul Guardian is a great work of you Roman, I'd like to see a second one with a Rose *g*

    I will see to get one issue in my hands...

  3. Nah, Picster's minotaurus looks like this.

  4. @Tabanis
    This Minotaure in this issue is the official studio paintjob of FIGONE, done by Jeremie Bonamont Teboul - Raffa's version looks like this: http://www.coolminiornot.com/248927

    Soul Guardian with Rose, hmmm... let me sleep about it? :)
