12 August 2010

DE Army Standard Bearer finished...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Mr. DE AST is now finished. Painted him up as a comission work. Tried to find a compromise between time effort and quality - this is the result for my "kind of looks very good (quality), but still is a effortable comission piece (price)" (in my eyes and in the ones of the comissioners)...

DE Army Standard Bearer on Cold One, 28 mm, Games Workshop, tiny conversions

This is how he looks in the cabinet with lightning:
This is how he looks on the balcony (rainy, cloudy day) without lightning:

This comission piece is a gift from 3 friends to their ill comrad who has to stay in hospital. I hope i could have helped in fasten the cure process with it and made someone happy... I have promised to show you a little progress in form of the photos i have made (hope that is ok that way, i can prepare some more i guess if you'd like it). I hope your friend enjoys it - the complete painting and process was for him and his health...

If you wonder about the freehand on the banner, yes it is in red on the backside, very subtle - white at the front and for sure i could have spent some more hours in it, but sometimes there is a point where the comission ends and my soul enters and that point was reached already with cleaning up the model for painting ...

Hope you like him!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Regards


  1. I think this is a very good compromise of time and result - at least I can say that for the result, which is really cool. I especially like the banner and the relatively subtle ornaments on it.

    Have a nice weekend!
