14 July 2010

We need your oppinion... help us to motivate a big talent!!

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Aloa jungle...

Big Kong's liar had a visitor the last 3 days. A real nice person, Daniel with whom Raffa and i did spent wonderful sunny days here in Augsburg. Now i fast get to the point - he is very shy... too shy for his talent... he can sculpt, oh yes he can and he sometimes does... sometimes he never fnds an end at a sculpt and so Raffa and i did propose him to cast some of his sculps and projects for the greater reason to give us a chance to paint them up ...

We need your help!!
We wanted to know what you think of his stuff?
Help us with your comments to motivate him ... we really want some casts of those miniatures badly and after Daniel is still sitting next to me (today he travels home) i take the chance to post this into the jungle... now what you think! Speak loud and free :)

I will start with an overview of some WIPs by Daniel which  stood at my kitchen table all the days(click to enlarge):

A really close to finish Cyberzombie in 32 mm:

And a failed Supersoldier Project guy which is really angry in 32 mm (click to enlarge):

Now please, don't be shy... let Daniel know what you think of his stuff - make some jungle noises - uh uh uh ah ah!!

Best Regards
Roman (with the shy Daniel sitting next to me)


  1. I am not a big fan of zombies and such, but I love the little painted alien in the upper right of the picture.
    All of it looks like very solid work.
    Go ahead and cast your stuff!!

  2. now that some sweet mini that i will like to see them casted and panted :D Roman are you the one that going to paint them :D

  3. What's he shy about? these are of a very professional standard.

    Better infact than some commercial products. wait.. weren't Reaper hiring? he should apply :)

  4. I think most of this is ready to go into production right away. Are there any plans to cast anything of this anyway?

    The supersoldier is the weakest of all pieces IMO, it lacks some fine detailing and the proportions doesn't seem right (probably because of his mutations).

    Great talent, well done.


  5. This stuff should definitely be in production. I have been looking for a reason to get into the whole weird war type scenario and these figures would do it for me!

    I would buy them without a second glance!

  6. As I told you before Daniel: get busy and don't waste your time and talent gardening.

  7. Had you not told us otherwise, I would have assumed these were all WIP shots of models destined for mass production. They really are fantastic sculpts. My favorite is the little painted alien but all of them show an amazing talent.

  8. Awesome stuff. I'd buy one of the cyberzombies right away.

  9. hey,very nice jobs here.... I'm totally agree with BigKong, great talent! :)

  10. REALY, REALY G R E A T !!

    ..nice ..all of it


  11. Hey, this is great stuff! It´s not only technically well done but also very creative (not the usual 08/15 stuff). And that´s coming from a person who is neither into the zombie nor the sci-fi stuff...
    Don´t waste your talent!

  12. Yes, that's true, I wish I have a quarter of your sculpting skills :D
    I would love to paint a cast of the little girl with the big gun. Great, please keep it up :)
    best regards

  13. I love this sick shit :) go and cast it!!!

  14. I know what I like and I like what I see! :-)

    Only one thing: The cable/tentacle-Penis of the male Zombie is a bit too much for me. Not that I'm shy, but it simply looks as if somebody said: "Yeah, let's freak everybody out by modelling a Zombie with a giant robotic Penis...".

    A little bit less would have been more here, I guess.

    But nonetheless, great stuff and a very talented sculpter!

  15. could i have a closer shot on the little arm and the genitalia of the super soldier?i think that they are the interesting parts of the miniature

  16. That Frankenstein monster mutant is awesome! Needs more muscle detail though and something on its back or coming out of his back. I would not expect some lab experiment to have such a straight back! Good work!

  17. heyahhh daniel,
    wonderfull stuff...as i told you in berlin...
    alot of style.... alot of detail.. and a better e ye for proportions then most/ore alot other pro sculptors..

  18. One thing is for shure: Great work and the super-soldier don't need any "Click here for enlargement"... :-D A bigger picture of the woman in the front right part of the photo would be nice. It looks very promising to me. And go for it, Daniel!

  19. Whow great Stuff...where can i get this??


  20. wow, some lovely sculpts there

  21. Thank you very, very much for your support on this one... Today Daniel left my home and we had a great time the last 3 days... i hope he soon will read all your thoughts and will cast his cool stuff... i told him already that i could think of helping him with the paintwork... he is really so shy, i hope he gets stronger in this one... Thanks for the great days, Daniel! Stay wild!

  22. Hey Daniel, dindt heard a quit long time something about you. Nice to see youre still sculpting! As all this crazy mates already before said - keep on rocking dude!!

    Regards Count_Zero

  23. That little Alien is a masterpiece!! It's like a Cartoon TAU. I hope to see finished the one infront of the half-scorpion. Seem to have a katana on his unfinished hand.
    It reminds me a lot this picture


  24. Hey Daniel!

    Nice to see your works again. They are really geat sculpts, for sure. You should not waist your talent by not finishing them. And for sure you should not hide them away from the rest of the world...

    Keep on happy sculpting :D

  25. Wow,
    unbelievable, absolutely amazing. I think, I have no choice :D Thanks so, so much.

