07 July 2010

Tutorial - Basing with Earth

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Aloa to another basing session :)

Sometimes i also want some quick bases, but most time i build up those which take time and grow during the process. For both i have choosen some really cheap material lately: Earth.

Basing with earth

I did build up a base like i always do. You can find a lot of Basing Articles in the Tutorial Section. I mostly use Milliput for the base and bring in some details like stones, wood and whatever you can imagine. Here is a shot of the real start on how i go at a base:

After finishing the basic construct of the base i was used to take sand for making the surface more intresting and filling up some gaps. Lately i choose to use normal earth you can find everywhere outside. I use it together with superglue and it works fast and well for me. Simply bring some superglue in place where you want the earth later on - for detail placement use a toothpick, after this i switch to my earth box and bring up the earth on the base by crushing it to dust over the base. The nice effect is: you'll get a real natural looking earthy or sandy look of the earth that very fast gets hard because of your superglue. Sometimes there are bigger parts and sometimes not - i really like this. Take care of your health while doing so - it is best to do it under the clear heaven as the smell of Superglue with Earth seems to burn your eyes out of their holes. Here we go with some pictures:

When painted it can look pretty cool when you want to achieve an natural look. Soon i will bring up a tutorial about using Pigments on a base finally. Big preparing time these days. So here are some example bases which have been based with common earth - there is nothing cheaper in this world, except love in your heart...


I hope i could inspire with this... sometimes it is the simple things in life that make a lot of sense and if anyone ever will tell me again that he bought stones by a company i will scream so loud and smashing my chest that he has to run fast out of the jungle... stay wild!

Keep on happy painting!


  1. Interesting. But it sounds to simple.
    Do you clean the earth before you use it or did you buy it in a special gardener-shop?
    Do you seal the bases when finished? If yes - so how?


  2. Hi, i simple catch a piece of earth, usual common earth found in this case on a riverside. This earth was really dry because of the sun...

    It was not cleaned before i put it up the base. The bases are also not sealed afterwards. The earth fits in place because of the superglue connection - it becomes hard as a rock. If you want to seal your base because of fear that some colour might be damaged i would propose matt varnish on it...

    Hope that helps... it is as simple as described above... most things in our hobby are simple, but the people's problem is to think and study them to a complcating thing...

  3. I've seen earth/dirt used by the military modeling community before to good effect. The results here look just as promising and will likely find their way into my current project, though on a slightly larger scale (vehicle display base).

    It's quite true that a lot of hobbyists tend to think too much about how to work with a certain method or technique instead of just giving it a try!

  4. @Grey_Death
    What more can i say than /signed!!

  5. looks alot like the effect i get when mixing sand and pva. this looks a bit "thinner" though, i will deffo try it.

  6. great, super idea :)
    I have to try this on the next fantasy-base :)

  7. That looks damn nice ^^

    Is there any chance of you sharing how you paint it? As far as I can see it might just be a basecoat and some glazes/washes, but getting to know how you actiually painted it would be nice :)

    Cheers ^^

  8. Interesting tutorial - that gives fantastic results

