29 July 2010

Templar Knight 90mm

posted by Andrea, MXP, Big Orang-Utang 

HeyHo junglelovers,
this is my last figure, 90mm, by RomeoModels.... painted in acrylic, the metals painted with oil's colors on the polished metal....Click to get directed to the article!

Great figure, this knight can be painted in many versions! :) really..very funny to paint! :D

For the white I use a mix of UniformEnglish, Black and Ivory (ValleyoModelColors).
I add more Ivory for the light and for the extreme light I add pure white.
For the shadows I add uniform english + a little quantity of black..I add more black for the extreme shadows. For the dirty effect on the tunic I use tan earth,Ochre, Light Brown and Burnt earth...
I hope that you like,thanks for view and comments :)

Also up to CMON

Cheers :D
Andrea aka mXp


  1. great work ! .. amazing the white cloth

  2. I like?? I LIKE!!! :D

    I was already waiting for the finished miniature after your brilliant tutorial on painting metals with oil colours. You've done a great job on this one, for sure. The weathering of the tunic is simply amzing. Those colours work perfectly.

    Simply great!!!

  3. Hey Andrea,
    fantastic work, as all your pieces. Seems like I am also a great fan of historical miniatures :P

    best regards

  4. In veritĂ  immenso impressionante!!
