03 June 2010

Fire elementar - For Raffa

posted by Oli, HonourGuard, silver leaf

Finally I finished something, that I want to post now. A little Rackham fire familiar. He has the size of a typical Hasslefree kid. 

I painted this Mini for my miniatur exchange with Raffa, I hope he like it, and you like it, and all like it ;D

I played around with complimentair colours in shadows:

Green/turquis <-> purple

Red <-> blue

maybe you can find them :P  But there is still much to learn.

I have some ideas for the base, which I will make in the next days.

I know the plants on his head make no sense at the moment, but they have something to do with the next step ;P


  1. Das ist wieder ein Mini voll in HonourGuard style. Das ganze wirkt sehr überzeugenden. Kompliment.

  2. Don't light the plants with fire, you know what i told you about fire and its danger... oh dear... very cool exchange miniature, haha. Wonderful work with colours... Rock on!

  3. Wow, you painted yours so similar to the way I painted mine a few years ago! :)

    Of course you did it much better but it still caught my attention :)


  4. very nice colors and contrast :)

  5. yeah, it ROCKS!! I'm looking forward to see this one in my cabinet and drool on the glass :)
