07 May 2010

Soul Guardian Photos...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Thanks to Raffa for helping me out with making good photos of the Soul Guardian. As soon as i got my camera again i'll try to get some close up shots of the boy. Hope you like him! I will do a little history of the model beneath the pictures of the finished model and try to explain why it became my Nemesis for one year.

The demon is by JMD Miniatures, the boy from Darksword Miniatures. At the boy i did a small conversion, cutting off his sword and made a tiny little magic wand for him. Oh yeah, he is standing on a socket by sockelmacher.de :)- sorry pictures are too big to fit in here so you gotta click to enlarge them!

Soul Guardian, JMD and Darksword, 28 mm

The boy stands calm.
No Fear in his heart.
As strength comes from the inside.
As strength can be given existence.
It all comes from the soul.

I did buy the model on last years Duke of Bavaria. One year of process, haha, and my first idea really made him winged with some Games Workshop wings and not really what i had in mind for the model, the green base is the base you'll get when buying the model. The candles and skulls are from Tin's Bitz:

Then i thought he might need a bigger base, wings gone:

The next idea made him standing in an epic duel situation against a imperial Priest of Sigmar by Games Workshop, roooaaarrr!!:

The next idea - yeah i know that is anoying but maybe it shows how my muse rapes my brain sometimes - made him stand in a mighty battle against some raging heros by Red Box Games, first the base went bigger for this idea:

After this idea i did start painting. I got some WIP shots of it, but in the end it all went in another direction, you've seen the Soul Guardian, haha. So i just show you some WIPs and what else was born from this project:

Somehow i now got stuck in that idea. Too many skulls on the base, to much to do. My muse did left me after i had to focus on some comission works beside this project. Now it was time to rethink, rebirth and walking a dark path after i did not really want to stop this project in this idea, but it made me ill trying to focus on it without my muse kissing me. It was standing still a long time. Then i've started to use those cool Red Box Games Miniatures for other projects. The muse had spoken and there was an exchange miniature with Scott Radom, the one and only Scott:

The barbarian also did find his place in a project as a gift to my friend MXP, Cain and Abel:

The sigmarpriest did get paint:

The planned Red Box Games Dwarf did get some paint:

Sooner or later i really ran out of models for my idea, haha. Then it was standing around a long time again. I thought about something Ultra-Epic now:

And somehow all those brilliant ideas got lost in the dust of the days. Long remembered and always a tear in my eyes, without not knowing where to go now with this project. This is walking with the muse and i love it. In the end i get hold of the boy from Dark Sword and thought this fits exactly to my emotion i was running through with this model and those ideas i had...

The boy stands calm.
No Fear in his heart.
As strength comes from the inside.
As strength can be given existence.
It all comes from the soul.

Keep on happy painting!


  1. I really Love that setting! Nice that the colours you uses on the boy are returning everywhere on the Demon.

    nice Socket btw

    Regards Count

  2. Hi Roman,

    a great scenery and a fantastic atmosphere. From what a company is the boy?

    Greetings Guido

  3. Good things need time :-) You created a masterpiece so it was worth all the time and effort. The atmosphere is awesome and it is making me a goose skin. Painting is great too!!!

    @Guido: The little boy is from Darksword miniatures:
    If you are german and you want to sell it, you can buy it in germany too:

  4. I love the finished version ... not just because it is finished and I've got to laugh while looking at the pictures, remembering all the ideas you had with the daemon, like a time laps - and it's still a small selection of them!
    ... everytime calling the kong on the phone - ay, what are you doing? I'm currently painting an eldar/space marine/toxic girl/yarry/zombie/space marine/whatever ... and everytime the same following sentence: Guess what! It will be a duell scene with the deeeeeeeeeemon, you know?

    Yeah!! Fabulous finish!

  5. It's really interesting to see the process you went through. You're not this indecisive about all your miniatures, are you? In any case, the finished model justifies the wait. ;)

    P.S. A "staff" is something large enough that you can use it as a walking stick. What you gave the boy would be called a "wand" in English.

  6. Thanks a lot for your comments..

    Yeppa, Darksword... and i still did not forget you, it is just my muse that brings me weird paths...

    Glad you like it :)


    Thanks for the little english lesson, i will correct that. No, not really - i am not going through such weird moments with every projects, but for sure with some, this has been the hardest so far...
