11 April 2010

Undead Cathayan Heroness finished...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong


This miniature comes from Guild of Harmony and is in 28 mm, named Yi Ling, Cathayan Warrior. Thanks to Sebastian Archer again. I had the Problem that the nose was smashed of the copy that i did get, i guess due the shipment and i was to lazy to resculpt it. So i have sculpted some Ninja clothing on the face and made her an undead Ninja Swordmaster martial power force zombie Hero of Cathayan. She stands on a socket of Sockelmacher.de. I hope you like her...

Undead Cathayan Hero, Guild of Harmony, 28 mm

Comments and thoughts welcome :)

Keep on happy painting!


  1. Like it a lot - the base is very nice like this - the bamboo looks very cool!

  2. Yep me like it too:)

  3. I like her much.
    Looks like a warrior from one of those manga movies.
    Someday these Guild of Harmony miniatures will roll over the world and it is much easier to get one

  4. COOOOL !

    I like Sebastians style a lot, always great to see a mini made by him painted up that nicely. Thumbs up Kong ! Orang Utan sends a big monkey hug down south to you guys !

  5. Lutz aka OraldesignerApril 11, 2010 at 2:20 PM

    Yep same here 3 "Ughs" to you: Just amazing, the harmony of colours, fit very well together. What did ya use for the leafes on the ground? I can´t identify it from here...

  6. @all
    Muchas Graciás!

    With the same method i had used in the last tutorial about leaves :)

    Gorilla Kisses to Berlin :)

  7. Like it too. Especially the colour combination of the yellow clothes and the red leaves looks fantastic.
