07 April 2010

Huscarl almost finished...

Posted by Picster, Raffa, Capuchin....

Hey everyone,

to take a break from my current project i started painting the Huscarl from Romeo Models.

It's still not finished many spots need to be fixed and the cape got a bit too dirty but i can't take too many days off my Games Day Project and so i show you some pictures now... When i'll finish him off i'll post some new pictures ;)

I hope you like him anyway ;)



  1. Very very cool - nice Socket btw ^^ ;)

    Regards Count

  2. Very, Very Nice. That is one to be proud of. ~Jim

  3. Can't wait to see him finished... already like him a lot... but i can imagine a bit more intensity to the details... whatever, you are so damn fast man and he already looks very nice... rock on and do a break from pressure whenever it is needed if it goes like this... uuuuuuvvvveeeeeeeyyyyeeeaaahhhh!!
