26 March 2010

Kong is offline....

posted by roman, jarhead, kong


It's serious. My Computer gave up on life - he died in a shimmering glitter of electronic puffy sounds. Gone. No problem at all after he had been around 7 ~ 8 years old and served me well.

At the moment i am trying to get hold of a new one. Sometimes i can lend the laptop of my neighbours and will try to keep up the most important things about my emails. I want to apologize for any waiting time this may cause to some of you and  i am looking forward to be back again - full force. Meanwhile i enjoy the life with less internet, less computer time... it's somehow great - time is really the greatest gift of all in life. I will be offline on the blog until everything is fine again, may take a while.If it is really important please don't hesitate to give me a phone call... those who got my number :)

After my emails are on my old Hard disk i am not able to write anyone, after all my adresses are up to the old HD, damn! So if it is really important please write me a mail to the jarhead --- at ---- massivevoodoo --- dot --- com and i'll try to catch up with you. Further information will be delivered when i got a new running computer and can check the Hard Disks. Thanks for your patience, the upcoming weeks will be strange to me and i want to say a big sorry to all of you for i feel somehow bad, not being able to catch up with everything.

Hon, Vesa and Jerome could you please send me your shipping adresses again... after this your parcels are on the road.

Sorry for any troubles this may cause - i'll be back someday or somehow in the time i can find :)

Keep on happy painting!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no
    Now, of all times where i have sent you the first massive voodoo wear modelling pictures *gg*

