24 March 2010

Hi Ape-lovers

posted by Mandrill aka Ben Komets

Hi Ape-lovers,

my name is Ben aka white rabbit aka mandrill,

A massive mandrill from the western jungle of berlin city..

first time I battled with my colourful weapons was back in 2003 in the far distant mountains of cologne … now some years later I still try to kick all animals asses all over the world.

my natural habitat goes from paris to poznan..

but the most important part living in the jungle is for sure not the battle, its the people you meet and friends you make, its about the ideas.. the journeys you make and your own development.

for that i´m so happy joining the jungle bunch... the army of the (almost) 12 monkeys..

monkey world domination plans ….GO APE!

new out here in the jungle, the massive mandril tries to show off with his scars..

some of the weird coloured scars he owned in many battles:


  1. That's one small step for Ben, a giant leap for the jungle!


  2. I love the drop-pod diorama - very effective storytelling in that piece.

    The first image isn't loading for me, however.

  3. Great addition to the Monkey Team!!!

  4. Welcome to the jungle :-) Great stuff you show here. My favorite is the sci fi scene, there are so many details to look at...wow. Good for study weathering effects :-)Thanks for sharing.

  5. Welcome to the Jungle - o lot of weird people here.....sounds familiar? ^^

    Regards Count

  6. ahhhh ben, good to have you here with us old friend. keep your brush moist brother !

  7. That's some very impressive stuffs. How did you paint the Stegadon skin? I've seen it at last French GD and was so impressed.You shoud post it on coolmini.

  8. Hey,
    thanks all for your kind warm welcome words...
    @cheelfy: i hope we find a minute at the games day in paris ... i can explain it to you there...
    its easyer there... then writing it all down here.

    i will start posting more evergreens ....also most of the old pics in coolmini..


  9. Ben Komets... i am still nervous :) - Great to have you here!

  10. the animals of the jungle bow their collective heads in admiration. or maybe they are just afraid of the many shiny swords that mandrill is wearing on his back...
