03 March 2010

Gnoblar finished...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Painted this little fella up for fun. Quick but funny paintjob in between, took me about 3~4 hours.

Gnoblar, 28 mm, Games Workshop

Hope you like him! He is also up to CMON if you want to leave a click there!

Keep on happy painting!


  1. nice one romi. you fast gorilla !

  2. Hi jar,
    I really like those small fellas(Grotz, Snotlings, Gnoblars...whatever they are called) because they are so small and have so much character! Even for a fast paintjob, this is very cool:)
    From which box is that mini?

    Greetz from Luxembourg

  3. Yappa, fast gorilla is good gorilla :)

    I have no idea from which box... wait, i guess from the Big Ogre Tyrant...

    Hope i am right but have no clue!

  4. Lutz aka OraldesignerMarch 7, 2010 at 12:45 PM

    Is that a little butterfly in front of the gnoblar? If it is, where did ya get it from?

  5. @Lutz
    Yepp it is... i got it from Raffa and where he bought it i simply did forget... let's hope he is reading this :)
