02 March 2010

Bust before breakfast day 6

posted by Mati/BADSMILE/Orang Utan

Good morning Jungle friends, today I bring you this quick sketch:

Took me about 40 minutes. I leave you with the words of Eddy Murphy --> click here

edit: Added another 30 minutes, now it looks like this....


  1. haha....." what is that blue light googd for? It glows blue"

  2. huhuhuhu... pretty cool! I never had to laugh on this guy, i really liked his movies, they were about bäng! Kadusch! Kaboom! and saving the entire world, a true comrad of friendship he his, a brave soldier, a hard thinker... i really like him as an actor... whatever, that's him brought into this world in some minutes and he looks like him... mati? BIG Kong Fu bow :)
