09 January 2010

Kong's WIP Thoughts JAN01


and welcome to another round of my blabla WIP-Thoughts. Really got a lot going on at the moment, additional i have also a lot standing around for ages at the moment. At this point i want to thank everyone who is waiting for something painted or written. I feel that for everything around comes the right time and when this time strikes than everything will be fine - i have learned not to do anything under pressure to achieve the best result i can effort - done with a chilled soul. Again thanks for your patience and be sure i have not forget you or our projects. I just wait for the right mood.

For sure you might think, ah he is doing a hundred other things beside the Miniature i am waiting for and i could only say: Jepp, my energy is stilll pumping into creative things to go further. Before i paint i stand up before my cabinet and put out the Model i want to work at. That's what i call painting like the mood is. Please don't get angry about this fact - i will be back at yours as i always have been :)

Ok, here is a view in that WIP Section in my cabinet. Somehow it seems the front row are only miniatures that look aggressive with their hands holding at their sides. Strange but somehow cool, haha. Shot with lightning in a dark cabinet.

At the moment i am doing most of the work on the Troll Mauler and the Space Marine Terminator from Space Hulk. I declared to myself that i shall not be allowed in doing new personal projects after them as i get tears in my eyes seeing the Arky, Denise and some other stuff standing around for ages now. Please be aware of that - i will rock them, at least i have the plan to do so.

Here are both of them in a closer shot from the photobox, followed by weirdo photos i had taken. Still Work in Progress for sure and somehow too yellowish photos (still trying to find out on how to take better photos, learning by doing and i hope i would read the manual someday, haha), whatever:

The Space Hulk Terminator went this far at the moment, i will go add something about painting the OSL on him to the latest realesed OSL-Tutorial, as the example in there still lacks a bit in showing what i want to show there. For sure, still WIP:

I did start painting him on the usual way i prime my miniatures:

I don't like to work a lot with the Airbrush, in the end i don't even like to explain things as i am still a real noob with it and i know that not anyone has an Airbrush at home. I got one, but must say that i love to do most of my stuff with a brush, in my eyes here is way more life in the things you may achieve, even they are not as clean as an airbrush would do.

I sometimes use it for the basic colours, shadows mostly. Here i did spray it with a soft mix from Ultramarine blue + Scab Red + and a tip of Chaos Black from the lower side to only reach the shadow parts. Bad photo, Roman, bad Roman...

Next Step has been a spraying phase with a mix from Blood Red and Red Gore on the whole model, softer in the lower parts where the shadows shall stay the most. Also i have put a tip of Fiery Orange in that mix for the upper areas, spraying from above. After this i did start to paint most of the other parts in a mix of Chaos Black + a tip of Graveyard Earth.

This took a while and the actual state you may find in the picture following that you already know. I did get back at the brush, leaving the airbrush left beside. As i told you i did paint up mostly everything with pure black + a tip of graveyard earth. Black is a good basic to paint up metallics for me lately. The skulls and some other parts did get a basic colour from Charadon Granite by Citadel's Foundation colours. Also i brought up the highlights on the red armour a bit brighter by using several glazes of Fiery Orange, followed by Fiery Orange and a tip of Elf Flesh.

The OSL did start by making the claws pure white, glazing them with a mix of Hawk Tourquise and Ice blue. On his left side i did start going brighter there by adding skull white step by step to that mix. Still a lot of work to do. But time will tell...

So far - my WIP-Thoughts at the moment. Next week i will be a bit slower in here as i am holding a Painting Class in Hamburg/Germany with Raffa. Really looking forward to that :)

Keep on happy painting!


  1. It`s awesome to see, that you paint some 40k stuff again.

    I really love some kind of this stuff.

    rock on

    Das Flattervieh

  2. Hi Roman,

    no problem, I can wait. Paint it, when the stars are right and your muse has kiss you.

    Greetings Guido

    PS: Great work, especially the troll.

  3. @Markus
    Muchas Gracias! Thanks for your BIG patience too :)

    I will do so :)
