23 December 2009

Silvia finished...

Hasslefree's Silvia did come from my workbench... Ah stop! I think some of you remember my Damm! thing about my camera lately and to those who helped so much i have to say the deepest thanks ... i did get my new camera today and am already experimenting with it.

I am really speechless about your help - thanks for your support, ladys and gentleman! So the jungle boogie is up to rise his noise again... jungle boogie!

Hasslefree's Silvia, female sniper from the Grymn, the SciFi dwarfs, 28 mm, dwarf size... cool stuff, like always in the Hasslefree Range.

After i had been ill lately i did not paint that much like i am used too and she has been a funny sideproject to paint. I hope you like her... and i am practicing taking good pictures with the new camera - i promise... the base has been scratchbuild from a hirst art coloumn thing, a wooden socket, some wall stuff which broke down lately in our flat after bringing up some stuff my girlfriend wanted to have there - MacGyverKong made it all clear in the end, stuffed the hole in the wall and used the dirt for making a base...A real joy to paint... sorry about the bad pics, got this new camera and testing my way through the wire by doing and failing, experience, experience, expeäähhh ... or maybe read the manual ;)

Hasslefree - Silvia, 28 mm

Silvia is also up to CMON, if you want to look at the same picture there - Link!

Hope you like her... Keep on happy painting!

posted by Roman, Kong, jarhead


  1. This is very nice! Inspiring even. Makes me want to take the day off from work and go paint my models!

  2. One of your best miniatures ever! Like it a lot! Max

  3. Brilliant, the base is fantastic, both paint jobs go hand in hand.

    James Sequeira
