03 December 2009

Kong Fu?

Kong Fu, Kong Fu, Kong Fu... you might think i am losing my mind by only doing Kong Fu all the time... you must know Ape Fu is strong and it helps sort the brain.

I am on the go to Colougne now, not sure what is happening in here the next 10 days, while i am away. Maybe the other apes will get inspired by me being silent to bring in some Fu of their own. 

Mati for example is doing a pretty cool online workshop over on the drueckepeter doing some cool busts with the guys over there. Check it out here!

Roberto is still working on his ship, but he ain't got the balls to show it to the world ;)

Whatever... my Fu is with me in Colougne, read you soon :)

Keep on happy painting!


  1. have a nice trip big brother ! may the fu be with you.

    Who ever wants can come around to the drueckepeter website to check out the sculpting workshop we're doing online is very welcome. we're quite at the beginning yet so it ain't too late for you.
    no excuses, grab some putty and roll with us !

    Cheers Mati

  2. @Vittorio
    "touché"? ... aaaaaah - please don't stick another spear into my bleeding wound - it's not a ball-thingy ... it's more the lack of progress going on with my sinking ship ... but I'll post some pictures, today. Arrrrgh - Romano got me!

    Hey, what a cool workshop! - online sculpting sounds weird somehow, but I'll grab my putty and try to participate from Saturday on. - hope, I can follow.


  3. never too late to join robert ;)
