28 October 2009

Step by Step - Daemonette 1.0

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Good evening to everyone reading here,

here goes another "old" tutorial of mine - translated into universal english. I am still a lover in painting those daemonettes. It all started a while ago my first moment of holding the new plastic daemonettes from Games Workshop in my hands... since then i am lost, drown in female daemonic erotica :) - this Tutorial shows the first one i have done i guess about 2 years ago now, ay, ay, ay - time goes by...


My version has got a shaved head and four arms.I mainly put my attention of shading down from a bright underground, down to the shadow parts...

Basecoat and first Shadings

I did start the Shading of the skin on a base of pure Ivory (model color) after having the model basecoated with first black and then white primer, adding a really tiny dros of Bronzed Flesh / Regal Blue (GW) ... First shadows were done with Tanned Flesh (GW) / Regal Blue / Ivory (around 60/30/10) - during the first Shadings there was more and more regal blue added to the mix ... then a touch of Warlock Purple was added...

Intense Shading using more glazes

The glazes of Warlock Purple (GW) have been repeated about 5~10 times (depending on the area) to intense them more, as far as i can remember i did use more and more pure Warlock purple.  Most attention on the claws, and also a little tip of regal blue has been added into the  purple for glazing the last shadows ... Even the base was slightly darkened, with that very same color - why? I do not know yet ... may produce a color picture of harmony at the end - we'll see :)

The armor pieces were given a delicate glaze of Chaos Black (GW) / Hawk Tourquise (GW) / Ivory (Model Color) - approximately 20/60/20 ...

Targeted shadow reinforcements / first light

The skin was in the shadows ... um, shaded. With several thin glazes of Chaos Black / Hawk Tourquise  ...

The first lights on the skin are set ... working here with thin glazes of Elf Flesh / Ivory (approx 60/40) ... between I shade down again - at the moment is quite chaotic because i can't squezze my thoughts in a text - so only colours and pictures...

The base was all done also with all the above mentioned coloures ...

The claws have been glazed with several glazes of Liche Purple to darken them a bit more, which brings the bright skin more on focus, like a arms and legs are going to be some kind of frame around the body.:


Outlining / Commencement Details

The claws were given a subtle glaze with Bestial Brown (must be done before more often when you look at the pictures to make it more intense) - intresting thought here, using orange to purple, using the complementary contrast in some ranged area only ... 

A thin black/dark line has been set to seperate different parts from eachother...

On the armor  a temporary lighting has been set of pure Mithril Silver - then black was shaded over it to reduce the attention of the bright highlights of the armour edges...

Details and final work

The base received little leaves (birch seeds) and long tufts of small natury stuff.

The skin was pulled up into the translucent pure Ivory over thin glazes. As an interim step, I then painted the thin veins with a fine detail brush and covered again with Ivory - so that they shine through, somehow i thought that...

The claws were given blood and fight remainings. The claw edges were strengthend in addition of Ivory in the purple tones on the wet palette...

The armor parts are shaded and again several times done brighter again (edges redrawn). Here I have worked with mixed stains of Chaos Black / Regal Blue / Green Catachan / Schorched Brown ... rather really experimental of what the shades will bring ...

The claw (bone-colored growths) were drawn with Bestial Brown towards the end, followed by Schorched Brown. As a thin, almost delicate white lines were painted on them and then have shaded again with the colours above...

A better photo done by a friend:

I hope i did not forget something, but as you see this tutorial has been really spontaneously and it is hard to plan such things - so if any question will come up, here is the spot - just add a comment...

Keep on happy painting!


  1. fantastica , me encantan esos colores ....... y la tonalidad de la piel....

  2. Very nice paintjob...

    But don't you think "demonic erotica" is a contradiction in terms? I don't know about you, but even thinking about sex and gigantic serrated pincers in the same five minutes is enough to make me cringe.

  3. Excellent tutorial. I always learn a lot of about colour from your tutorials.

    Thanks for putting in the time to help others!

  4. @Alfredo
    Thanks a lot - glad you like that skin...

    Mmh... "demonic erotica", you are really way too far beyond my own imagination of that, haha. Or at least of what i meant with it, saying it in my poor english ... let me explain:

    For me this stands for the powers women have to men... i could talk on and on about women over months and wouldn't get tired in any kind... women are some kind of total different human than man are... i mean 2 species... and that is so fascinating that i guess some demons are involved, you got me there?

    Thank you for telling me this, that shows me that this is a good way, thank you very much!
