17 September 2009

Tutorial - Making easy tattered cloth...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Aloa Brush friends,

produce herewith a - well - pretty simple and certainly unprofessional variant quickly and expeditiously a battered and tattered cloth ...

I do not know if it's good, I've just made it's just so, and found it quite funny, that is more of a fun little tutorial, which can serve as an inspiration ...


- A small container for mixing
- Wood glue PVC
- Water
- Handkerchief
- Toothpicks
- Superglue

- Victims, so figure or something


Step 1:  
Wood glue and water in a ratio of 1:2 W / L to touch, stir well ---> PVC-glue Water

Step 2:  
Cut the handkerchief in the pieces needed and insert in PVC Water ...

Step 3:
With a toothpick install as you wish  ... you see the importance of a toothpick to me now, haha.

Step 4:
Allow to dry ...

Step 5:
Soak in Super glue ... I know that should not be, I do it again and again and i must say i like the burning in my eyes...you will feel what i mean. Please notice: Imitation at your own risk.


Allow to dry ...

Step 6:  
Priming and paint like anything else...

I hope I was able to stimulate you to do some experiments:)



  1. I never thought I'd consider going back to adding banners to my Space Marines, you know -the paper cut out ones GW provided in codexes etc.

    This technique could reinvent banners for me, thanks jar -awesomeness and homage :)

  2. Thank you a lot for the feedback... i am not really sure if this will rock for adding SM banners, because the result isn't the cleanest for being painted up... i would propose to use a thin metal plate for this kind of thing you've planned - somehow equal to the stripes i have done in another tutorial, only bigger... hope you get what i mean...

  3. something like an old tomato puree tube cleaned out and cut works well, I've found :) great tutorial by the way, I never thought of using superglue I usually stop at the PVA stage. Thanks!
