28 September 2009

Saturday's Playlist Adding 2


still something left in my brain, which says to me that there was also music for you in the last week. It ain't a problem, Rob, that you weren't able to add some music - as i have heard on the phone you had a funny fully exciting weekend - so i can understand the importance a playlist adding had for you ...

I surely got some music which did inspire me. First of all i want to explain, that i did add  a second playlist now over on MASSIVE VOODOO youtube - one for the silence and chilled painting moments, the other one, the new one will be for songs or music i am often listening to while finishing off some models - brutal, full of energy and aggressiv music which guides me to the moment i declare a miniature as finished - sometimes, more or less... always depends on the mood i am in...

First of all - 3 Songs that have inspired me over the last week and some i do really love listen too all the time - mostly silent:

Ghost in the Shell OST - Kenji Kawai - Making of Cyborg

 Second - 2 songs for the second playlist - the music i am often enjoying listen to while a miniature comes to its end:

As you can see, there is surely a wide sort of music that inspires - no cages in styles, because freedom means being open to a lot, for me.

You may find the playlist over here by clicking on the MASSIVE VOODOO name, top right side, Playlists - still small, but on the rise:

So far, feels good to be back... now let some music hit me while getting my colours prepared for painting...


1 comment:

  1. Kenji Kawai... sehr schön :) . Da haste ja mal nen ganz dicken Blog ausm Boden gestampft, bin gespannt ob du die Geschwindigkeit beibehalten kannst, du (bzw ihr) postest ja wie ein Irrer. Ich würde gerne mehr von deinem Schüler sehen, ich fand schon damals aufm Workshop dass er sehr viel Potenzial hat (sein Ork war besser als das meiste was ich bisher angemalt habe). Wenn du Lust hast können wir mal wieder zusammen malen, ab nächsten Mittwoch hab ich wieder Zeit.

    Bis dahin, mach mal fröhlich weiter,
    Beste Grüße,
