28 March 2018

Review Preview: Seminars

Good Morning Jungle,

it is big review time soon in the jungle.
Time to break the silence in here. Several reviews incoming from Private Coachings, Basing Seminars and Beginner Classes. This will be epic! Stay tuned and get yourself ready to be part of some of the next seminars by checking for the Massive Voodoo Workshop Roadmap 2018!

I will soon sent out the handouts of the last Beginner class. Sorry Gentlemen. Life.

A wild mixture of impressions:

More soon!  Stay tuned! :)
And do some happy painting!

26 March 2018


Find my personal music playlists
that I am listening to while happy painting on youtube!

As this youtube channel is rather new and not well filled yet I decided to have one "Incoming" list that is mentioned as "2018". My favourite actual songs will go there and will then be sorted to the other lists. Organisation is the key :D

16 March 2018

Review: Jar's Beginners Class in Augsburg, Germany

Good Morning Jungle,
oh dear, time is running so fast these days and lots is happening. I am teaching, working, scheduling, planning and create. All in a wild mix of #happypainting and #basketball in between. This is why the jungle is a little bit behind with all information.

Nonetheless here is something for you all!

Jar's Beginners Class in Augsburg,
Germany (german language)

To see an overview over upcoming seminars,
check MV's roadmap for 2018:


To see more reviews on this workshop, check this link!

The great location in Augsburg, a lovely place to teach - Staatsinstitut zur Ausbildung von Fachlehrern.

Thanks to everyone
who showed up for the workshop. It was a great weekend, with wonderful students, eager to learn the ways of happypainting and able to stand my blabla for thirtythree hours of class schedule. As a teacher my student's results made me really proud and we all were able to share good vibrations all around. Thank you for additional photos for this review too!

"Peter, Andi and Roman are wonderful teachers! I´m not only taking some new painting knowledge with me, they also changed my view and attitude upon my own miniatures and my environment. Since I attended the course I am more balanced, luckier and more satisfied with my life."
- Michael

Where is that zenithal light coming from, anyways?

Biggest thanks to my man,
Peter who helped me organising the seminar. I can not find the right words to tell you my gratitude. Thank you!

A color wheel, upside down ...

"This was my second beginners and the third workshop in total with Roman.

While I really enjoyed both previous workshop a lot, this time was different.
Being a repeater I could focus on parts that I wasn’t confident with (for me it was textures and TMM) while leaving theory and parts where I felt more safe with a bit aside.

During breaks from theory where the rest of the class painted Roman took his time and discussed those topics with us repeaters in detail.
We (especially me ;D ) had tons of questions to ask but he took his time and answered them all thoroughly.

There where also a few breaks to chat about non-painting stuff which was an interesting experience to get a better understanding about the person he is and what drives him.

As I mentioned, this time was different.

Since my work is very technical I mostly live with rights and wrongs with not much in between.
I always thought I should aim for the same result when it comes to miniature painting.
For the first time ever I understood that painting isn’t about getting the perfect result.
Before I painted miniatures but never really enjoyed them because they didn’t feel good enough for me.
I always thought I needed to get better because I aimed for the wrong goals.
Instead I should have focused on the joy of painting and the journey itself.

In the few days since the workshop I continued painting and it was pure joy, more than ever before.
I’ll attend in a small local painting competition at the end of this month, not because I want to win but because I want to take part and share my painted miniatures with others while seeing theirs.
Wanted to do so since ever but never found the drive because I felt my painting wasn’t good enough.

So to sum it up I’d like to give Roman a massive THANK YOU!
I went to the workshop to improve my painting skills and went home with a completely changed mentality and tons of useful tips.

Everyone who considers joining a workshop with Roman I can recommend it wholeheartedly.
No matter if you’re going there for the first, second or fourteenth time, it will be an interesting and inspiring experience for sure.
Really looking forward for the next time!

Everybody listening ...

Everybody busy ...

Well, this class was also special for me as Peter and Andreas (soon more information about our new monkey on board! Woot! Woot!) were introduced in teaching this Beginners Class. This process will be a long process for all of us and we will see where this will lead in the end. More about this in the future.

Friday night started with preparing, basing and the long and dark night full of theory. Some great bases already appeared out of nowwhere:


Special thanks to the supporters of this workshop:

After Saturday morning exercises we reached the point of prime time:

Primed models. Always a moment of pride of my students.

There is the right sound for every painting technique, as well for all small accidents / happy paintings." - Rob

#happypainting Andreas praying to the gods of color harmony!

Andreas is rapping in the background!

Still ...

Really an awesome help and a great future teacher of this class: Andreas.
I can feel it, but first we will put in some more work in the teaching skills!

We continued painting and while everyone who was taking the class for the first time advanced on their demonettes I was able to explain some different questions about painting to repeaters of the class, for example quick NMM:

Proud teacher, results of busy students over the weekend ...

Oh what a gang. What a weekend :)

Thank you all!

If you want to join a seminar by Massive Voodoo check back with the

Workshop Roadmap 2018

Keep on happy painting everyone and thanks for coming to the seminar!
Stay Jedi!


Michael wrote:
"Schon als Kind liebte ich Modellbau. Damals noch mit kleinen Revell Fliegern und Panzern baute ich Mini-Dioramen und spielte natürlich auch mit den Bausätzen.
2003 (17 Jahre alt) kaufte ich mir dann regelmäßig den White Dwarf und anschließend eine Space Marine Armee der Black Templars. Seitdem bemale ich Miniaturen. Ein großer Sprung fand 2005 statt, als ich anfing zu schichten und zu akzentuieren. Dann kam meine Warhammer Fantasy Armee des Imperiums und weitere GW-Tabletops hinzu. Deine Arbeit verfolge ich seit diesen Tagen.
Meine eigenen Fähigkeiten stagnierten jedoch die folgenden 10 Jahre. Schließlich sollte die Armee auf dem selben Level bemalt sein und so entwickelte sich höchstens mein Umgang mit dem Pinsel. Farbmischungen und fortgeschrittene Techniken waren mir fremd. Dies änderte sich, mit dem Niedergang von Warhammer.
Ich entschied mich, neben Spielfiguren, auch Display-Miniaturen zu bemalen. 2 Jahre lang sah ich mir Tutorials an, schrieb mit erfahrenen Malern, besuchte den Herzog von Bayern-Wettbewerb, hatte aber immer das Gefühl schlecht zu sein. Likes und bewundernde Kommentare blieben aus. Stattdessen gab es schon auch mal Hohn und Spott. Ich war unglücklich, dass ich niemals etwas so Tolles wie die ganzen Putty and Paint-Maler erschaffen würde. Zwar war Alfonso Giraldes mit seiner Fuck-Smoothness Kampagne so etwas wie ein Lichtblick, aber trotzdem erwischte ich mich immer wieder dabei, aus Angst vor den eigenen Ansprüchen keine Figur mehr anzufassen und "nur" die Brettspiel-Figuren zu bepinseln und mit Quick-Shade zu behandeln. Ich sprach mit meiner Frau darüber und sie schickte mich auf deinen Workshop.
Zum Kurs:
Schnell fand ich in meinen Banknachbarn neue Freunde und wir haben nach dem Kurs eine lebhafte Whats-App Gruppe gegründet. Wir stammen sogar aus derselben Gegend. Während des Kurses gab es viele bewundernde Kommentare von anderen Teilnehmern über meine Dämonette und ihr Base. Das hob mein Selbstvertrauen ungemein. Leider gings mir Sonntag gesundheitlich nicht so gut (irgendwas hat mir den Magen verdorben) drum konnte ich ihn nicht so genießen wie die letzten Tage.
Ich würde den Basenbau auch so beibehalten, denn es macht wirklich Spaß sich der Dämonette so zu nähern. Es war ein bisschen schade, dass ich meine Dämonette nicht fertig machen konnte (jaja es gibt keine fertigen Miniaturen :)  ), aber ich habe das zu Hause noch nachgeholt.
Peter, Andi und du seid wunderbare Lehrer und ich nehme nicht nur Wissen mit nach Hause, sondern auch eine andere Sicht auf die Dinge, die ich tue und einfach alles um mich herum. Ich bin seither viel ausgeglichener, glücklicher und zufriedener. Das ist euer Verdienst! Das habt ihr und die anderen Teilnehmer mit mir gemacht!
Vielen Dank nochmal.
Wir sehen uns bestimmt wieder bei einem Workshop oder vllt. heuer beim Herzog von Bayern.